Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Hero

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

     If anyone has weaknesses, it is me!  I have struggled with weakness my whole life, just as everyone does, whether they like to admit it or not.  Some of my weaknesses, among many others, include a tongue that I can't keep in check, impatience when I can't get things accomplished, crankiness when I'm hungry or tired, selfishness, insecurity, and the list could go on.  The point is not to bash myself, but to lift up Jesus that much more because, despite the fact that I live in weakness, He wants to use me for His glory.  On my own, I will fail Him every day.  I have tons of positive qualities and talents that He's given me, which I try to use for His kingdom, too, but there is an overwhelming feeling of excitement and joy that overtakes me when there is a problem or situation that is too much for me to handle on my own and God takes over and saves the day.  I love it!  I delight in it!

     I am glad that I have weakness so that I can see God's amazing qualities and work that much more clearly.  I think this will be my family's anchor verse for this next phase in our lives.  There is no way that we can make one income work on our own.  We are too weak.  We can't make us have more money; additionally, we will be tempted to spend money when we need to save and, I am sure, make other financial mistakes along the way, some of which could be "costly."  It will be so important for us to stay in His Word, in prayer, and in counsel with those who are wiser and more knowledgeable about things than we are.   I cannot wait for God to show up and see how He is going to provide for us and move in ways we never thought imaginable!

     One of my co-workers, after I told the gang that I wasn't returning the next school year, said "Look at you!  You're glowing, you're so happy!"  I told her that the glow was not from the fact that I get to stay at home with Nora-Kate (although that makes me INCREDIBLY happy!), but the glow was from knowing that the only way we will survive is by God showing up and providing.  I love it when He is all we have because HE IS ALL WE NEED!


  1. Such a great blog post! God is the great provider who always shows up even when it seems impossible! It is so amazing to think back over past times when God provided for our family's needs in such a way that we couldn't even understand it - literally! I'm sure he will do the same for yours in this next exciting phase of life! :)

  2. I truly have enjoyed reading your blog postings as they have been both enlightening and inspiring. I was truly moved by the moment you felt the need to apologize for supposive behavioral tactics and then for this brave and faithful move to heed Gods call on your life. I have seen Gods grace on your life and know you will be taken care of. Thank you for sharing this testimony and allowing us to be a part of it. God bless and know you are appreciated and I am here for you and your family in any and every capacity you may need.

  3. Thank you, Steve, for your kind comments and encouragement. We are excited to see the many ways God will provide for us on this journey! I will make many mistakes on this journey, I am sure, but my goal is to take each step as God puts each one in front of me. This is very different for me; I am truly walking by faith and not by sight from this point forward.
