Origin and Purpose

Intro 3-19-11

So, my husband has been encouraging me for several months now, maybe even a year, to start a blog. He is good at that, encouraging me.  I am blessed to have a husband who speaks my love language and supports me in any endeavor I undertake.  We started brainstorming ideas for a blog.  We thought about everything that I enjoy, searching for what I am really, deeply passionate about.  We thought about food, nutrition, exercise, but nothing we thought of sparked a desire in me.  I thought I could possibly write about literature, which I enjoy, or about being a new mother, which I enjoy more than literature (or anything else for that matter).  While I do enjoy all of those things and they make my life better, they just didn't make me excited about writing.  Then, on my run this morning, as usual, I received my epiphany.  I realized that while all of the activities I listed above are fun and good, nothing lights my fire like God's love and His gentle instruction and presence in my life.

I am not perfect in any way.  I have never been perfect, nor will I ever be while I am on this earth.  There is nothing I can do to earn God's mercy and love.  He loves me beyond belief and all I can do in my life is to enjoy His presence and try to practice what He teaches me daily.

I am a high school English teacher who is passionately and madly in love with my Jesus, husband, and daughter.  I want to make an eternal difference in the lives of those around me, although I have no confidence in myself to do so, hence why I have not started a blog before now.

I am also an avid exerciser; I LOVE to exercise.  It is my release from the world around me.  It is my alone time with God.  It is also when God gives me most of my epiphanies, like the one I had this morning to begin this blog.  So, I am excited God chose me to capture and share His blessings, provision, & instruction in my life.  I pray that He will give me wisdom and discernment to paint an accurate picture of our Father's infinite love and passion for us.

The colors of my blog are purposeful and symbolic.  Brown represents the intensity and hard work of our walk with Christ on this earth.  Then, blue and pink represent His peace and love, respectfully, in the midst of the journey, trials, and tribulations.