Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Faith Journey

Well, finally, I can share with the world that I will be a stay-at-home mom at the end of this school year.  Thanks to God and His answer to prayer, we have made the decision for me to stay at home because we know that is the next calling on my life.

I strive to live my life according to God's plan. I felt Him calling me to be a teacher (I had no desire to be a teacher on my own) and I felt Him leading me to the school where I currently teach. Because I followed where He led, I met my husband, worked with some of the best colleagues anywhere, worked with some of the greatest students, and have grown tremendously in my walk with Christ.
The decision that Josh and I are making for me to stay at home was very difficult. I have had conversations with several people about finances—about how to afford vacations and how any family can live off of one income with our world's current economic status. I had those conversations because I felt God tugging on my heart to stay at home full time, but I didn't see how we could afford it, so I started asking people questions. However, God taught me something unexpected. He taught me that, where it is good to seek counsel (Proverbs 20:18, 12:15), I am also living a life of faith. Faith means that I don't have the answer before I make a move. Otherwise, it's not faith. He's also taught me to completely and unashamedly rely on Him for everything in my life and He has never let me down. So, when I asked people financial questions, they gave me good advice, but I could never find the answer as to how to make the calling on our life (me to stay at home full time) into a reality. Our numbers didn't add up on paper. We knew that He was asking us to make this move and have faith that He would provide, so we have to do that. Even if He chooses not to provide for us, that's His choice and we will still praise Him because He is good no matter what happens to us.
Working at JCHS allowed me to learn two main things. One, I am not here for myself. This life is not about me. It's about others and helping them. My co-workers have seen me make many mistakes and I will make plenty more as I work as a stay-at-home mom, something I have no idea how to do, but that's how I learn--from the errors I make. We grow exponentially when we make mistakes and learn from them. I never mind making mistakes and I don't mind that people see me fall.  I do, however, get upset if I don't learn from my mistakes and do better the next time.
The other thing I've learned is that nothing I put my hand on to accomplish apart from God will succeed. I have been fairly successful at my teaching job because God was with me. If I continued teaching next year, I wouldn't be successful because it's not where God wants me. As much as I love my job and my co-workers, I have to make this move for personal reasons. I have a daughter who needs me and a God Who is asking me to trust Him, so I am planning to act. Maybe one day, I will teach again in the public education arena, but I will always do whatever I feel like God is asking me to do because I will never succeed on my own.  I am held accountable to my Father and I cannot face Him in eternity one day and tell Him that I didn't follow His call because I didn't have faith for Him to provide what we needed, even though that is one of His many precious promises in His Word (Philippians 4:19).

I am so excited about the new chapter in my life.  I am excited to see God show up, the ways He will provide, and the acts He will accomplish through our lives.  When He is in control, everything is possible!  I know that we will see abundantly more than anything we could ever ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).  I am excited about being led to a place where I have nothing else to lean and rely on besides Him.  He is everything we need!


  1. Elizabeth, One of the hardest decisions I have ever had to face was if I would become a stay at home mom. I want to encourage you to follow God as He leads! Staying home with my babies has been the most amazing journey I have ever been on! It has not always been the easiest financially - well still not - BUT God ALWAYS meets our needs - ALWAYS!
    This is the hardest job I have ever had and the most rewarding!
    I love being able to teach our babies, watch them grow, and well, just have more of life with them. I also love being able to cook dinner for my husband without being overwhelmed, torn and exhausted.

    I am praying that God makes this transition easy and joyful and that He provides in ways that only God can provide!!


  2. I am so excited and happy for you guys!! I know this is what you have wanted and our heavenly Father will give us the desires of our heart as we serve Him. Just continue to seek first His Kingdom. Love.
