Our Servant-Leader
You started as a man after God’s own heart;
One who sought Him even when the days were dark.
While others were led astray,
God helped you find His way.
He was shaping you to be the man
You would be today.
Earnestly praying for the man with whom I would share my life,
I never expected it was you that would take me for your wife.
Blessings upon blessings God has showered on me
Through His answers of every detail and every plea.
As He promised, He has given us life abundantly!
Since we’ve been together, I have seen God work in you,
But He is only able to do that because you allow Him to.
Keep striving for and seeking God’s will
Because you are setting an example for another generation still.
As you show me every day, Nora-Kate will see that God can be her fill.
You show us in so many ways;
We know we can count on you all of our days.
Your provision, unending kindness, understanding, hard work, and sacrificial love
Are manifestations of God’s pruning from above,
His love and mercy, poured out through you, we’re so undeserving of.
I have no doubt that you will guide Nora-Kate
Through strength and wisdom, and model her future mate.
Because of her daddy’s traits inherited in her genes,
She will also learn what it means
To follow God’s will through all of life’s scenes.
We are blessed to be a mom and dad,
And to you I look for strength I do not have.
You uphold this family and encourage us through and through;
By our side we would never want anyone but you,
It's more than your handsomeness, although we enjoy that too ;).
We are so thankful to have a wonderful and godly man leading us
As he seeks daily to follow the will of Jesus.
We look to your strength and daily guidance
Because God’s Word flows through your life with radiance.
Happy Father’s Day 2011!!! We love you!!!